ICU Guidelines
- All Intensive Care Units (ICUs) areas are restricted areas. Visitors are requested to follow the hospital rules and adhere to protocol of the hospital before and after entering these areas.
- To minimize the risk of infection, only one attendant at a time is allowed for a maximum of 10 minutes. Visitors are requested to wait for their turn to enter these special zones.
The Visitors are expected,
- Not to visit if the they are sick.
- Comply with safety and security procedures
- Wear and display their visitor identification card at all times while in patient/restricted areas.
- Leave the hospital during a disaster or fire alarm.
- Patients are the responsibility of the hospital and will be rescued as per an evacuation plan.
- Act in a respectful manner.
Unacceptable behavior includes but is not limited to,
- Unreasonable interference with a patient’s plan of care. Harassment of any kind, including inappropriate telephone calls to a staff member.
- Use of loud, threatening, abusive or obscene language.
- Use of physical violence or acting in a threatening manner towards staff.
- Arriving under the influence of drugs or alcohol.
- Damage to hospital property. Theft.
- Possession of weapons or firearms
- Disturbance to other patients.